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This looks amazing, and super detailed, but I can't play it! It says fatal error when I try? :( ((Ty for following me btw I'm rating this 5 stars even though I can't play ;-;))

Try it again and see what happens

It keeps saying fatal error :(

What computer are you using.  It works for Windows computers and laptops

I'm using windows, I'm not sure why this game specifically won't work, almost every game does. :(

Let me try it out first

I think you need to add Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 to work properly


how am i supposed to sleep at night after playing this?

really tho.. I felt chills on my neck

thanks for playing my game 🤭


I woke up thinking about it lol!


can you please give my game a rating 🙏🏽

I played for almost an hour and barely got anywhere. It's very hard to figure out. I was able to ring the doorbell and get the lights on with the candles, and I found a gun too. But I have no clue what I'm doing at this point. It says to check the control room but I don't know which room that is or if I can even get to it yet. I feel like this game will take me several hours to figure out.

Yes sorry but if you go to the control room, you might find what you're looking for 

did you ever figure this out? currently stuck on the same part


just let me update for you tomorrow, I'm very busy right now 

No I didn't figure it out. I haven't tried again.


just let me see the problem tomorrow since I'm very busy 

Ok try downloading the updated version of the game. It should work