A downloadable game for Windows

In the eerie realm known only as "The Valley of the Unknown," reality blurs and sanity teeters on the precipice of oblivion. Step cautiously, for this is not a place for the faint of heart nor the weak of mind. Here, in this twisted expanse of shadow and whispers, you will find yourself ensnared within a labyrinth of psychological torment and spine-chilling horror, where the very fabric of existence unravels before your eyes.

As you venture deeper into the heart of this sinister valley, the air grows thick with palpable dread, each step echoing like a thunderous heartbeat in the silence of the void. The landscape itself seems to shift and contort, a nightmarish tableau of twisted trees and gnarled roots that writhe and coil like serpents in the darkness. The sky above is a canvas of endless blackness, punctuated only by the cold, distant gleam of stars that seem to mock your futile attempts to navigate this twisted realm.

Yet, it is not merely the tangible horrors of the valley that threaten to unravel your sanity, but the insidious whispers that slither through the air like tendrils of smoke, whispering dark secrets and sowing seeds of doubt within the recesses of your mind. Shadows dance at the corner of your vision, flickering and twisting in macabre patterns that defy explanation. Are they mere figments of your imagination, or something far more sinister, lurking just beyond the veil of perception?

In "The Valley of the Unknown," not everything is as it seems. Reality itself becomes a shifting, ephemeral construct, bending and warping at the whim of unseen forces that toy with your very perception of the world. Time loses all meaning in this desolate wasteland, the boundaries between past, present, and future blurring into a tangled web of confusion and uncertainty.

And yet, amid the chaos and despair, there lies a glimmer of hope, a faint beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness. But beware, for even hope can be a double-edged sword in this accursed place, leading you further down the path of madness and despair.

In the Valley of the Unknown, the true horror lies not in the monsters that lurk in the shadows, but in the depths of your own mind, where nightmares are born and sanity is but a fragile illusion. Will you brave the depths of this twisted realm, or will you succumb to the darkness that lurks within? The choice is yours, but remember, once you enter the Valley of the Unknown, there is no turning back.

Updated 1 day ago
Published 16 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Made withUnreal Engine
Tags3D, Creepy, Difficult, First-Person, Horror, Mystery, Psychological Horror, Singleplayer, Unreal Engine
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

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The Valley of the Unknown.zip 721 MB

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how am i supposed to sleep at night after playing this?

really tho.. I felt chills on my neck

thanks for playing my game 🤭


I woke up thinking about it lol!


can you please give my game a rating 🙏🏽

I played for almost an hour and barely got anywhere. It's very hard to figure out. I was able to ring the doorbell and get the lights on with the candles, and I found a gun too. But I have no clue what I'm doing at this point. It says to check the control room but I don't know which room that is or if I can even get to it yet. I feel like this game will take me several hours to figure out.

Yes sorry but if you go to the control room, you might find what you're looking for 

did you ever figure this out? currently stuck on the same part


just let me update for you tomorrow, I'm very busy right now 

No I didn't figure it out. I haven't tried again.


just let me see the problem tomorrow since I'm very busy 

Ok try downloading the updated version of the game. It should work